Earth Pic Daily - Take part in a unique project

Earth Pic Daily is a photographic contribution project aimed at witnessing the planet, the place and the impact of human on the world.

Today we produce everyday images. Each trigger is a look that we have taken at a moment on one point of the planet, on our congeners, on our actions. This simple pressure on the shutter gives us the importance we have given to this fleeting image seen in the viewfinder.

All these images form, together, a look at the World, on our planet, a kind of inventory. All that was needed was to unite them on a platform that would allow us to travel in time and space of these singular glances that make up a common vision.

Earth Pic Daily is this platform.

Development is underway and opening is scheduled for early 2020.
You will soon be able to apply for early access.

The Earth Pic Daily project is developed by the Earth Pic Daily non-profit organization, composed of Grégory Tonon, Vincent Guglielmi, Abel Brien and Jean-Marc Larroque, who already collaborate in Clever Age Toulouse company.

Project progress

The organization is currently working on a new free online service that will allow your photos to testify the state of the planet, its evolution, the negative or positive impact of humans on their environment.

Sign up for the Erth Pic daily newsletter to keep up to date with the project's progress.

As part of the development of the project, Earth Pic Daily will be opened by early access to people who will make a motivated request. You will be informed of the opening of the requests by the newsletter.

It is with great pleasure that Earth pic daily receives the support of La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée. The Région joins our partners CiviBox Communication & Développement, Pirats Art Network and 3PA Formation. The project, still under development, will opens in early 2020.
Photo: Scotland - Tonon Grégory Photography.